08 Aug 2022

Simple Tips on How to Prepare your Kid for Picture Day

Picture day is coming up, and you want your kid to look their best for the occasion. But is it that simple?

You want them to look good, which means you'll likely stress about making sure their hair looks good, that they're wearing the right outfit, and getting them to sit still long enough to get the picture taken. The following tips will help you get your child ready to stand in front of the camera and smile on their picture day.

1. Plan ahead & pick out the right outfit

Before picture day, help your child pick out an outfit that makes them feel confident. Have them try on the outfit a few days before so you can make sure it fits.

It's important that your child feels comfortable in what they're wearing on their picture day. Avoid clothes with logos or busy patterns, and opt for solid colours instead. You want the focus to be on your child's face and not their clothes.

If you're unsure, bring a few different outfit options and let your child choose on picture day. Also, considering the background can give you the hint of selecting the outfit colours that will complement your kid's skin tone and the style of the photography.

2. Think about the hairstyle

Scheduling your child's haircut a week before picture day will ensure no last-minute scrambles, and you can avoid any meltdowns.

If you opt for a hairstyle that requires heat styling, make sure to do a test run the night before, so you're not rushed in the morning. Choose simple hairstyles that can be easily fixed if they get messed up during the day.

Regardless of the hairstyle you choose, make sure to keep hair off your child's face. Let's not forget who is the centre of attraction on picture day.

3. Don't aim for ''perfect''

Let's face it, kids are unpredictable. And that's okay!

The best thing you can do is relax and go with the flow. After all, a little bit of chaos is what makes life fun.

Focus on making sure your child feels comfortable before picture day by giving them an opportunity to become more familiar with their surroundings.

As long as your child is happy, then it doesn't matter if they have messy yet cute hairstyles or collars not straightened out; let your photographer capture these moments of true authenticity.

Ultimately, your goal should be to create memories from this special time in your child's life and capture the essence of who they are.

Now that you are familiar with the tips on how to prepare your kid for picture day, also know that the perfect shots are the work of professionals.

Contact us to hire our professional childcare photographers in Sydney who have years of experience working with children of all ages. With our best preschool photographers in Sydney, your child's personality shining through is assured while achieving a hassle-free picture day.